What Beach area should I visit? How do they differ?.
Compton los angeles plus#
What to see & do? Disneyland, Haunted Homes, plus 700+ attractions.Public Transit Info+Car Rentals/Hire+Child Safety Seats.that can house 5 to 10 persons in a room/suite/flat Overview of popular neighborhoods and 2 easy maps of L.A. Transferring between plane, rail, hotel or ship.
Compton los angeles how to#

Compton is still one of the most violent cities in the state. Our perception of parts of this city from our white enclaves, of which I very much know I'm a part of, is warped. Have you seen the HBO show Insecure? Issa Rey is showing her community in an entirely different light it's not all gang bangers, she grew up in a middle class neighborhood. You'll see, South LA will be attractive very soon. I'm very excited about our young people - they want to live along Metro lines, don't want to own cars - that's a big part of what makes a city exciting, pedestrian presence. Heck, downtown and East LA have filled in with young families, it's happening in South LA due to Metro. There's no more space, so developers have turned their attention to South LA.

Inglewood has the new football stadium coming, crime is way down, although gang on gang trouble is seeing an uptick, so I'd not advise wandering around aimlessly, but know that, barring some national catastrophe (which feels likely given our regime change), growth, building and change is going to dominate the area. Nearby is Leimert Park and Watts Towers, perhaps have lunch at Roy Choi's restaurant there: If you are driving a route through Compton, that's fine, but I'd not go randomly driving around there, nor would I stand in front of a sign for a selfie (that feels very entitled/disrespectful for white people to do in a minority community, so just don't!). There is a tour of Compton that's getting good reviews.